
Hello and welcome, this is about me, my family, hobbies, friends, etc. I love to scrapbook, read good books, watch TV, be a mom, hang with friends, find things on sale, and chocolate. Stop by my online scrapbook store, http://www.outonalimbscrapbooking.com/ to find great, hard to find products, be inspired, and make some new friends. Hope to see you all there. Kate

Thursday, December 18, 2008

new baby...

He's here! He was born this morning, December 18th at 2:40 am. He was 7 lbs 5 ozs, 18 1/2 inches long. Right now he is struggling to breath, exactly the same thing Owen did when he was born. Owen spent 9 days in the NICU, I'm hoping this new little one won't stay that long. Right now they said he is doing better, if he needs to be put on a ventilator they will have to transfer him to Utah Regional in Provo, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen. We still haven't named him yet, I need to be able to hold him and see what he looks like since I still haven't gotten a good look at him, and then we will decide on a name. Right now I'm exhausted since I have been awake for over 24 hours (but I have a feeling I won't get any sleep today either.) It's so good to have him here, especially before Christmas!


lindseyj said...

Congratulations Kate. I hope everything goes well, and that he can come home soon.

JuLene said...

Congratulations! I hope that you are feeling better. Hope your little boy gets to come home soon. Hospitals are no fun. Take care!

Natalie said...

Congratulations! I hope your little one gets to come home soon. Let me know if you need help wih anything. It is so hard being a new mom. I am barely starting to get back in the swing of things...

heather said...

I am glad you are okay! Congratulations on your new baby. Hope he gets to come home soon and that you have a wonderful Christmas!