
Hello and welcome, this is about me, my family, hobbies, friends, etc. I love to scrapbook, read good books, watch TV, be a mom, hang with friends, find things on sale, and chocolate. Stop by my online scrapbook store, http://www.outonalimbscrapbooking.com/ to find great, hard to find products, be inspired, and make some new friends. Hope to see you all there. Kate

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Millie's Morning Hair

This is what Millie's hair looks like every morning, you can imagine how fun it is to comb her hair. So I rarely do, pretty much just on Sunday's.
Owen is so handsome.

Millie's hair when it is combed.
Millie was so sick a couple of weeks ago, she kept falling asleep on the floor, then she would wake up and want me to hold her then go find another spot to fall asleep on. She would NOT sleep in her bed. Jeff finally took her to the ER at 12:00am, and they were there all night, they said she had bronchiolitis and a sever ear infection, but thankfully she was her old self a couple days later. Side note: These are Millie's favorite pajamas, they are hand me downs from her cousin Tatum, and they have Tinkerbell on them. She will take her clothes off at least once a day and bring them to me so she can wear them.

None of us can figure out why Gracie is always so tan. Even in the dead of Winter, she looks like she has been out tanning all day. I tell her she is going to love that when she is a teenager and she says,"I don't EVER want to be a teenager, all they do is lay in bed and watch TV".
I want to give a shout out to my little bro Michael who turns 28 today! Happy Birthday Mikey!


kathie said...

love the pictures, love the comments. michael is out to dinner with friends at the gateway for his birthday. kendall is tending landon. expo is only a week and a half away. good luck!!

Anonymous said...

1. Michael looks like he is on meth
2. Millie's hair looks like those teenagers with the huge back sticking out
3. Gracie probably thinks that teenagers sleep and lay in bed because she things I AM a teenager (she asks me every time). And every time she is here to visit, i'm home to see you guys, and i'm on the couch working on my computer. Ha ha.