
Hello and welcome, this is about me, my family, hobbies, friends, etc. I love to scrapbook, read good books, watch TV, be a mom, hang with friends, find things on sale, and chocolate. Stop by my online scrapbook store, http://www.outonalimbscrapbooking.com/ to find great, hard to find products, be inspired, and make some new friends. Hope to see you all there. Kate

Thursday, December 18, 2008

birth story...

Everyone wants to know exactly what happened yesterday and last night so I will update everyone. Of course you know me, I can never have a normal birth where everything works the way it should and this was an interesting one to say the least. (ps if you are a man and don't want details stop reading right now). Wednesday morning I woke up to really bad, intense pain in my upper legs, lower back and lower pelvic region. I knew there was something wrong because I had never felt this before, so we eventually went to the hospital where they found out I had a severe infection, maybe a UTI. I was contracting regularly but I guess was not enough for them to keep me, so they sent me home with an antibiotic, which after I took when we got home made me so sick I started throwing up. I was still feeling major pain and knew something was wrong, so we called the doctor and they told me to go to the office to get checked, when I got there she started pushing on my stomach which hurt so bad I started bawling and basicially had a break down so she sent me to the hospital to see what we going on. In the mean time my mom and I are so frustrated at this point because no one was listening to me or taking me seriously when I was saying I knew something was not right. So we get back to the hospital, and they said they were going to give me a shot of antibiotics, and a shot for nausea and send me home. I finally said, "I know something is wrong, if you won't figure it out I want a C-Section now!!!" After she called another midwife, and the doctor and they both told her to admit me, she finally gave in. Thats when it all started, as soon as they put me in the room my fever started going up and up, between the hours of 5:00 to about 11:30 they gave me four different kinds of antibiotics, which were taking no affect, two different kinds of anti nausea rounds (since the fever and antibiotics were making me so sick), taking my temp and blood pressure every 5 mintues, (at one point my blood pressure was 37/8, my fever got to 103), drawing blood to be tested, strong contractions every 1-2 minutes, baby's pulse spiking to 180-200 (normal is 140). Finally at about 11:30 they found an antibiotic that was working for the infection and I started feeling better, then started feeling a lot better when I go my epidural. Realized really quick that the epidural only took affect to the right half of my body but I was ok so I didn't say anything right way. She broke my water at 12:00 by this time I was dialated to a 5, and still a 5 by 1:30 am. She said she didn't think I was going to progress fast and I should be prepared for 12 hours before he was born and the nurse kept saying that my contractions were not "adequate" and wasn't bothering to check me. I could still feel all the contractions on my left side and they were starting to hurt but I was fine so I wouldn't let Jeff go get the nurse, but he snuck out and got her anyway and it's a good thing he did because she decided to check me and I was 10 cent. and he was coming out. So people started rushing around while I'm trying not to push until their ready, and he came out 7 minutes later. Afterward they thought maybe I had a hole in the sack by my placenta that was leaking into my body which caused an infection in the placenta which was causing the pain and fever, also, almost all the fluid was gone which is why I was measuring so small, so it's a good thing he was born when he was.

Breathing update: He has been doing better and better today, so I might get to hold him in just a little bit, and depending on how he does coming off his breathing tube and if he does good tonight all should be good and he can come home with us!


lindseyj said...

I'm so glad you are both okay. I bet you're so happy he's finally here safe and sound. Thinking about you. Linds

Natalie said...

What an ordeal! I hope everything goes well and that you get to bring your little guy home with you..

Rebecca said...

I love how you said ," If you're a man stop reading" and then there were no gross details. You are funny. I'm just glad that they listened to you and you persisted. Mom's know. He is so cute and I can't wait to see more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, Its Rani. Congrats! He looks so beautiful. By the way, your page kits are so dang cute. How do you ever find such cute paper and embellishments? :) Just kidding, you are so talented and I am amazed at what you do. I hope he gets to come home and you get to feeling all better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, I wanted to call you at the hospital the other day, but I was worried that you would be sleeping. Anyway It sounds like you had a roller coster delivery! I like hearing about peoples deliveries. It is amazing that babies ever make it here safe. We are lucky in this day and age for all the medical advancements. I feel bad you didn't get to hold him for so long. From my experience and yours with Owen, It is so hard, it makes you feel like you didn't even just have a baby. And it is very emotionally draining.