
Hello and welcome, this is about me, my family, hobbies, friends, etc. I love to scrapbook, read good books, watch TV, be a mom, hang with friends, find things on sale, and chocolate. Stop by my online scrapbook store, http://www.outonalimbscrapbooking.com/ to find great, hard to find products, be inspired, and make some new friends. Hope to see you all there. Kate

Thursday, January 8, 2009

so tired

My days go like this:
Wake up really early (like 4:00 am), nurse, change a diaper, nurse, try to get him back to sleep, nurse, change a diaper, make other kids breakfast, nurse, send Gracie to school, call Jeff and tell him "I'm so tired", nurse, break up fights between Owen and Millie, change a diaper, take Owen to school, nurse, try to give Millie lots of attention, nurse, make Millie lunch (usually whatever I can get out of fridge in less than a minute), think about designing a page kit - don't have time, kids get home from school, tell them to find their own snacks while nursing, call Jeff ask when he is coming home, change a diaper, nurse, call Jeff and tell him to come home NOW, nurse, Jeff gets home, make him go get us dinner, tell the kids to stop fighting, make Jeff entertain kids while I nurse, kids go to bed, Jeff goes to bed, Oliver goes to bed, wakes up an hour later, nurse, goes back to bed, wakes up an hour later, nurse, goes back to bed, wakes up an hour later, nurse, and it goes on and on...

I love him.


Sasha Fisher said...

He is a cutie and just think all that nursing helps with weight loss and prevention of breast cancer...now that is a plus. :)

Amy said...

So tired, but sooo worth it! He's so adorable! Hope to see you guys soon!

Larson Family said...

I am just at 20 wks and was dreading the endless cycle of those first few months. The great thing is that it does get better. I keep reminding myself that for as much as my kids wear me out that soon enough they won't want me to hold/play/be with them. Good luck!

Brooke said...

Ohhh the memories...Audrey is 19 months but it is all still SO fresh in my mind (probably because I weaned her at 13 months...not because she wanted to but because I was terrified she would never stop). It does all go by so quickly though...there is nothing better than the yummy smell of a newborn. And then they get bigger and I realize just how much work kids really are :) Hang in there...you'll be sleeping through the night...well, people keep telling me I will be someday... but not yet :)

Natalie said...

Oliver is so cute. Hang in there. It will get better. Enjoy every minute you have of snuggling with you newborn, because before long he won't be little anymore. I can't believe how big Harrison is already getting....

Anonymous said...

Oh the excitement and dread of the newborn and all that comes with the adorable little thing. You are so cute and at least put a funny spin on being exhausted! I hope I can somehow do that in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Looking very tried. But pics are amazing captured.