So expo was a huge success, we sold so much on Friday morning, that we had almost nothing left on Saturday, so Lindsey and I just sat and talked which was nice after the last few months of non- stop work. I think I'm going to pace myself a little better this time. It's nice to know that so many people want and like our page kits that we spend so much time working on, so we had a really good time, and the kids will have a normal mom again, at least for the next few weeks.
Sunday and Monday were spent cleaning my house, and pulling out the Halloween and Fall decorations, to make my house more homey. The kids love when it's time to decorate and they had an absolute blast. So I have a (semi) clean house, that looks comfy, and smells of pumpkin spice, it's my favorite time of year. I can't wait for leaf piles, pumpkin patches, and a corn maze. I love it!
Owens birthday is on Thursday, he is turning 6 years old! (And he still hasn't out grown the craziness that people keep telling me will happen). All he is wants is Star Wars everything, and Lego Batman for his playstation. I got him all the cute Star Wars bedding from Pottery Barn, so when he gets home from school, his whole room will be done up. Then he will have his party with his friends on Friday, we are going to roast marshmellows in the fire pit, and bob for apples. He can't wait.
Jeff has been working hard between work, and fixing this house up to my specifications, I think he needs a vacation more than anyone, but he never complains. He just enjoys making our lives better for us by doing anything and everything he can. As for me, now that I have time to breathe, I have been trying to remind myself that I'm going to have another child in just a few short months. This pregnancy had been about the last thing on my mind ever since I got pregnant, when people ask me when I'm due, it takes me a second to figure out what they are talking about! It sure is different between your first and your fourth.
Just one more thing, Happy Birthday to Max!!! My cute little nephew is turning 6 today, and I haven't seen him for 2 years now. I can't wait for the day to have my sister and her kids close to us again. (Mom give him and extra big hug from his Aunt Kate).
As soon as I find my camera, I will add some pictures because a post is never the same without some. Love to you all.